Global Energy Laboratories, mentioned by Ecopropp Proppants

In one of the tests that Ecopropp Proppants, conducted, they asked Global Energy Laboratories and another third party expert to conduct a third party test to compare to the test that they are doing for proppants.

The tests that GEL conducted is about determining if a modified mix design with a 50% reduction of bauxite will still display a compressive strength.

As a third party tester, the goal of GEL is to check if the result after the testing is parallel to the result Ecopropp has. GEL tested at 14,000 psi which resulted in 8% of the proppant being crushed and compared it to the ISO standard of 10% at 4,000 psi. If the crush ratio tested less than 10%, it means that it is the generally accepted market threshold.

GEL helped Ecopropp determine that the sand that they have is good for marketing. This helps Ecopropp proppants very attractive for deep conventional wells.

If you wanted to know more about Ecopropp proppants and how GEL gave a certification to them, visit this page.

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