The Day the Scrubber Burned

We are lucky to occasionally get a very large project to work on, and we had one recently that I want to tell you about.

Awesome clients, awesome project, it was just a great deal all around.

NOT a picture of our frac sand attrition scrubber motor burning up.  (ha)
NOT a picture of our frac sand attrition scrubber motor burning up. (ha)

It was a sand project, and it involved processing a good number of sand core samples from the project site. As you probably know, sand is hard and abrasive (it’s used in sand blasting!) and it can be very hard on equipment.

During the project one evening (I was home but my technicians work late), I got a call from one of my trusted technicians, and he was, ah – a bit worried!

“Boss, the scrubber burned up. It gave off some smoke, smelled bad, and now it’s really not working well,” he said. The “scrubber” he was talking about is our laboratory attrition scrubber, used to break down any sand clusters into single particles, which is necessary for testing.

The scrubber uses what we call “pulp on pulp” action, where the high speed sand/water streams actually use the sand/water mix itself to break up the clusters. It helps to walk that fine line between fracturing sand particles, and properly breaking up the clusters.

Sure enough, the lab attrition scrubber was pretty much broken. But, we still had a whole lotta samples to scrub for our client, and we didn’t want to slow the project down.

So, I simply got in touch with our equipment suppliers, and went with the absolute fastest shipping they had. Once the scrubber arrived, we were back in business. Cut into some of the project profits, but that’s what we do for our clients!

If you need a lab that will do what it takes to get your metals and minerals project done, go here.

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