frac sand fortunes newsletter

These “tasty” treats fell from the sky

I’ve been doing some research lately on raising backyard chickens.

Yes, chickens.

I haven’t bought any yet or anything, just exploring the idea a bit.

You see, I eat this thing called the “Paleo diet.” You eat as close as you can to what our ancient ancestors ate before the agricultural age. You get your energy from fat (good fats) rather than carbs.

That means that I eat lots and lots of eggs and bacon and fatty cuts of meat. I’m forced to eat lots of things that I love, heh.

Anyway, having home grown eggs every day is appealing to me, and chickens are like the pet that actually does something for you.

You can feed these chickens some of your table scraps and let them eat bugs and grass from around your yard.

Then they will faithfully lay eggs nearly all year round.

Someone wrote about an interesting method for giving chickens treats from the sky.

I won’t go into the gory details, because it’s a bit nasty.

The gist is that you put some rotting meat into a bucket, and then elevate that bucket up into the air over your chickens.

You drill some holes in the bucket. Flies seek out that meat in the bucket, and eventually you have maggots falling from the heavens down upon your chickens.

And because they are chickens, they love this.

Snacks raining down from the heavens. Ha

The guy writing about this idea said that once your chickens stop looking up all the time, then the meat is probably gone and you can replace it.

And you should know that investment ideas have been “raining down from the heavens” on me lately from folks looking for investors in their extremely interesting projects.

Here’s an investment idea that I’m truly excited about:

* A company just contacted me. They have a powerful new means for manufacturing proppant. It is cheaper to manufacture this proppant, because it uses material that is a waste product. They are going to locate their plant within striking distance of lots of oil fields.

** This new proppant type has actual lab results that you can look at, and they have a product that is lighter, strong, and cheaper than the competitors.

** These very smart people may go public with their company at some point soon, so their opportunity might be great for someone looking to get into a company before it goes public.

** These folks are looking for investors right now, with a minimum of around $50k, but they are moving fast towards their goal.

***Contact me if you want to learn more, and I’ll link you up with the players. ***

Frac Sand Fortunes subscribers will have frac sand investment and money making ideas “rain” down from the heavens often.

Yes, each issue will feature some actionable advice from someone actually in “the biz” that is making money from frac sand.

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Important: Keep in mind that on each investment idea, you have to do all the due diligence. I’m not offering securities here or investment advice. You also have to be qualified for each type of investment. And, since I’m a greedy capitalist, I will probably take a commission if you invest on an idea that I pass along! How dare I!

All the best!

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